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Equivalency of Training (EOT)

For: Out-of-State Officers, Federal Officers, and Inactive Florida Officers

WHAT IS AN Equivalency of Training (EOT)?

An EOT/Equivalency of Training is a process that allows an officer to be exempt from having to complete the full basic recruit academy.

Who is Eligible to Apply for an EOT?

You may be eligible to apply for an EOT from the full basic recruit training requirements if you were a certified in another state or as a Federal (including military) Law Enforcement, Corrections, or Probation Officer.  You may also be eligible if you were previously certified in FL but your certification is now inactive.

You must meet the following requirements if you’re an Out-of-State or a Federal (including military): Law Enforcement, Corrections or Probation Officer:

  • You worked at least one year, full-time as a sworn officer in the discipline you are seeking exemption;

  • You received training in that discipline which is comparable to Florida's full basic recruit curriculum and/or;

  • Must still be eligible for certification in your original state or as a federal officer. Revoked certifications are automatically disqualifying..

For prior Florida certified officer, there can be no more than an 8 year break in employment as an officer. The break in employment is measured from the separation date of the most recent qualifying employment to the time a complete application requesting an exemption from training is submitted to a Criminal Justice Selection Center or criminal justice employing agency.



To obtain certification as an officer in Florida without first attending a full basic recruit academy in Florida, you must:

  1. Successfully complete an EOT Evaluation, and

  2. Successfully demonstrate proficiency in the high-liability skills of defensive tactics, firearms, first aid, and vehicle operations (LE only),

  3. Take and pass the State Officer Certification Exam.

If you are an inactive Florida Officer and want to initiate an EOT, review/complete the hyperlinked documents listed below. These documents will guide you through the EOT process.

If you are granted an exemption from basic recruit training through the Police Applicant Screening Service, you will need to complete the required proficiency course and achieve a passing score on the SOCE within one year of receiving your exemption.

Information on the EOT Process for Out-of-State or  Federal Officer (To Include Military):

In order for a law enforcement, correctional or correctional probation officer in another state, or a Federal Officer (to include Military) to obtain certification as an Officer in Florida without first attending a full basic recruit academy in Florida, they must: (1) Successfully Complete an EOT Assessment showing that they attended sufficient basic training and were employed full time as an officer for at least 1 year in a job that ended no more than 8 years ago, and; (2) Demonstrate proficiency in certain high-liability physical skills (defensive tactics, firearms, medical first responder, and for law enforcement officers only - driving) at a Florida Criminal Justice Training Academy; and (3) Pass the Florida State Officer Certification Examination (SOCE).

If you are an Out-of-State Officer or Federal Officer (to include Military) and want to initiate an EOT, review/complete the hyperlinked documents listed below. These documents will guide you through the EOT process.

If you are granted an exemption from basic recruit training through the Police Applicant Screening Service, you will need to complete the required proficiency course and achieve a passing score on the SOCE within one year of receiving your exemption.

For Question or Assistant in Completing the EOT Process, Contact the Criminal Justice Selection Center at:

Stephanie Driskill – Coordinator, Criminal Justice Selection Center

Phone:  850.769.1551 ext. 5608
Fax: 850.767.8072

When are the Proficiency Courses Offered?

The Division of Public Safety offers forty (40) week day and weekend courses. The weekday courses consist of four ten hour days. The weekend courses are offered over two weekends. The times vary for each course. 

What to Bring to Class

  • A copy of your CJSTC form 76 (required)
  • Gulf Coast State College provides the  firearm and duty gear for the course.  
  • Long sleeve shirts – bring a few light weight long sleeve shirts
  • Long pants
  • Hat / Ball cap – For protection from flying Brass on the firearms range from semi auto
  • Comfortable training clothing and footwear
  • Water/recovery hydration drinks – for outdoor training
  • Any snacks that you require

What to Wear to Class

During the class you may wear jeans or other casual attire. In addition, it is recommended that you bring you bring the following items:

  • No shirts with offensive slogans or advertising
  • Athletic clothing for defensive tactics
  • A cap for firearms training
  • Wet weather gear, since classes will be held rain or shine


  • Gulf Coast State College provides the  firearm and duty gear for the course.  
  • Hearing protection
  • Eye protection
  • Additional PPE (personal protective equipment)

Gulf Coast State College - North Bay Campus
Division of Public Safety
Public Safety EOC Building, 700 County Road 2300
Southport, Florida 32409

The first day of class starts at 8:00 am.

You must officially drop a course 3 business days before it begins or you will be responsible for all fees!

Register Online


Course Listings
Law Enforcement Officer
Correctional Officer
2025 Class Dates

Mon-Thurs., May 12-15. 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  95161/ XPS 0034/ Fee: $500.00 

Tues-Thurs., May 11--15, 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  95164/ XPS 0061/ Fee: $400.00

Mon-Thurs., June 9-12. 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  95162/ XPS 0034/ Fee: $500.00 

Tues-Thurs., June 10-12, 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  95165/ XPS 0061/ Fee: $400.00

Mon-Thurs., July 14-17. 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  95163/ XPS 0034/ Fee: $500.00 

Tues-Thurs., July 15-17, 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  95166/ XPS 0061/ Fee: $400.00

Mon-Thurs., Sept 8-11, 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  98002/ XPS 0034/ Fee: $500.00 

Tues-Thurs., Sept 9-11, 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  98005/ XPS 0061/ Fee: $400.00

Mon-Thurs., Oct 6-9, 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  98003/ XPS 0034/ Fee: $500.00

Tues-Thurs., Oct 7-9, 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  98006/ XPS 0061/ Fee: $400.00

Mon-Thurs., Nov 17-20, 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  98004/ XPS 0034/ Fee: $500.00

Tues-Thurs., Nov 18-20, 8:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M.
North Bay Campus, EOC Bldg., 106
CRN:  98007/ XPS 0061/ Fee: $400.00

The Division of Public Safety offers the proficiency courses at various times throughout the year.  A copy of the schedule will be provided with your completed EOT Application. For more information, contact:Note: After completion of proficiency course it will be 3-5 business days before you will be eligible to take the SOCE.

State officer Certification Exam offered at Gulf Coast State College:

The SOCE is only available through Pearson VUE testing.  Gulf Coast State College’s testing center is approved test site that offers the SOCE, but you must register and pay through the Pearson Vue site.  Test dates, cost, and availability information is provided by Pearson VUE and is only accessible once you’ve completed the EOT process and your records have been updated by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Note: The registration and payment deadline for each test shall be at least eight days prior to the testing date.

Register Online

Gulf Coast State College does not discriminate against any person in its programs, activities, policies or procedures on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, marital status, religion, age, gender, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. All questions or inquiries regarding compliance with laws relating to non-discrimination and all complaints regarding sexual misconduct or discrimination, may be directed to Lee Wood, Executive Director, Human Resources/Title II/504/Title IX Coordinator and Employment Equity Officer, Gulf Coast State College, 5230 W. US Highway 98, Panama City, FL 32401.