High School Navigators
Navigators work within our local high schools (Bay, Gulf, and Franklin counties) to help high school seniors apply to GCSC for free, complete GCSC foundation scholarship applications, learn about the Gulf Coast Guarantee, apply for FAFSA, and schedule their Pathway Orientation/Advising Session. Find out more about your high school’s Navigator below.
Cindy Penny
Day at High School:
Email Address:
HS Office Location:
Collegiate Studies

Alex Sledd
Day at High School:
Email Address:
HS Office Location:
Front Office 161

Will Archer
Day at High School:
Email Address:
HS Office Location:
Media Center

Ali Payne
Day at High School:
Email Address:
HS Office Location:
Guidance 020

Rosemarie Keller
Day at High School:
Email Address:
HS Office Location:
Guidance 142

Lacey Frank
Day at High School:
Monday morning
Email Address:
HS Office Location:
Media Center

Kristal Smallwood
Day at High School:
2nd Thursday of the month Location: Room 303
Email Address:
Email to make an appointment
HS Office Location:
Contact for availability

Kristal Smallwood
Day at High School:
4th Thursday of the month Location: TBD
Email Address:
Email to make an appointment
HS Office Location:
Contact for availability

Kristal Smallwood
Day at High School:
3rd Thursday of the month Location: TBD
Email Address:
Email to make an appointment
HS Office Location:
Contact for availability