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Healthcare CEU's
Sherrie Lock, Program Coordinator


Phlebotomy 101 Course
“Absolute recommend. Instructor was very knowledgeable and a great teacher. Info given was most useful.” ~ Lori H.

IV Therapy Course
The instructor “was so amazing! I’m so glad I got to learn from her today.” ~ Davina Y.

“I was scared to begin and she was great at making it a fun activity as well as educational. She was able to provide information with hands-on experience.” ~Kinsee C.

Healthcare Continuing Education


Gulf Coast State College is an approved provider (50-833) of continuing education for multiple professions in the State of Florida. Participants receive a certificate of attendance and, if FL licensed, CE Broker reporting is done after successful completion of the training.
Simply click on the course title, choose the most convenient date, and register for your training.


Dental Hygienist (DH)
Dentist (DN)
EMT & Paramedic (EMS)
Nursing Home Administrator (NHA)
FL Department of Health Bureau of Radiation Control Provider # 3200457 (RAD)

Airborne precautions with Mask Fit | Online | 1-HR.

Many myths surround airborne pathogens and precautions, including a few about the methods of transmission. At the conclusion of this training, you will be able to describe how airborne pathogens are spread, the types of pathogens, recognize signs and symptoms, and the need for airborne precautions. In addition, you will be able to determine which mask is best to use and why, how to safely put on and remove personal protective equipment, and describe the fit test procedure. The N95 fit test is by appointment only and is currently included in this training.


Approved 1 Hr. I DH, DN, NU, NHA, OT/A, PT/A, RC, PS
Enroll anytime and complete this online course within 1 hour.
Fee: $8.50

Domestic Violence I Online I 2 Hrs.

Why is domestic violence so difficult to address and what should you do if you suspect someone is being abused? At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to define terms associated with domestic violence and its prevalence in specific populations. Also, you will be able to describe the types of abuse, the cycle of violence, motivations, and dynamics between victims and abusers. As a healthcare provider, you will be able to list the screening methods and recite the FL statute addressing child abuse and abuse of the elderly or disabled. You will identify who can report abuse, list resources, and the domestic violence hotline.


Approved 2 Hrs. I DH, DN, NU, OT, PS, PT
Enroll anytime and complete this online course within 2 hours.
Fee: $17

EMT Psychomotor Testing

This EMT psychomotor testing is designed to meet the standards set by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) for certification at this level. Please note that this is strictly a hands-on skills assessment and does not include a written exam. Participants must have completed an approved EMT course before they are eligible to take the test. Candidates who successfully pass the psychomotor test will receive validation of their accomplishment from the NREMT. PREREQUISITE: Completion of an approved EMT program and a valid BLS provider card. Provide a copy of these documents before the date of the skills test. For additional information, contact Victoria Byrd via phone: 850-769-1551 Ext. 5615 or email:

Scheduled: Tuesday, April 29 I 8:30 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Location: GCSC North Bay Campus, Abbott Building
637 Hwy. 2300, Southport, FL
Fee: $125

Scheduled: Tuesday, July 29 I 8:30 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Location: GCSC North Bay Campus, Abbott Building
637 Hwy. 2300, Southport, FL
Fee: $125

HIPAA I Online I 1 Hr.

Why is patient privacy held in such regard a federal law was implemented? At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to identify the acronym HIPAA and PHI and describe the purpose of each. In addition, explain privacy and security rules and explain what to do in the event a HIPAA privacy and/or security breach were to occur. Discuss the role of the healthcare provider when protecting patient privacy and confidentiality and when it is appropriate and not appropriate to discuss or share PHI.


Approved 1 Hr. I DH, DN, NHA, NU, OT, PS, PT, RC
Enroll anytime and complete this online course within 1 hour.
Fee: $8.50

HIV/AIDS I Online I 2 Hrs.

What are the current obstacles to eradicating HIV and what can you do as a healthcare provider? At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to discuss the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and list various modes of transmission and the types of HIV testing available. In addition, you will review the confidentiality and testing-related requirements of the Florida Omnibus AIDS Act. Discuss protocols for healthcare workers exposed to blood and issues in HIV/AIDS prevention and risk reduction. Summarize the clinical management and treatment of HIV/AIDS. Summarize HIV prevention strategies, including behavioral change.


Approved 2 Hrs. I CL, DH, DN, NHA, NU, OT, PT, RC
Enroll anytime and complete this online course within 2 hours.
Fee: $17

Human Trafficking I Online I 2 Hrs.

How did human trafficking become the 3rd largest crime industry in the world and how can you support efforts to combat trafficking in our community? What must you do if you suspect someone is a victim? At the conclusion of this training, you will be able to define and identify types of human trafficking; including forced labor, human smuggling, and commercial sex trafficking. You will reference state and federal laws, and reporting procedures, and discuss the rights of victims.  This training will provide essential information for you to recognize potential victims and tactics used by traffickers to recruit and retain those targeted. At the conclusion of this training, you will be able to discuss the motives, demographics, and extent of human trafficking on a global, U.S., and Florida scale.


Approved 2 Hrs. I DN, NU, PS, PT, RC
Enroll anytime and complete this online course within 2 hours.
Fee: $17

Infection Control I Online I 1 Hr.

What is the number one means of preventing infection at home and the healthcare environment? At the conclusion of this training, you will be able to define infection, and identify methods of prevention, and modes of transmission. You will also list the methods of transmission for drug-resistant organisms and list blood-borne pathogens of particular importance to hospital personnel. Define and list types of PPE, and conditions for use. Explain what the CDC recommends concerning the use of artificial nails. Describe the conditions for the use of alcohol-based hand rub. Define Hand Hygiene and the most appropriate method of cleaning hands.


Approved 1 Hr. I CL, DH, DN, NHA, NU, OT, PS, PT, RC
Enroll anytime and complete this online course within 1 hour.
Fee: $8.50

Interprofessional Education (IPE) I Online I 1 Hr.

Why are the four competencies to a collaborative practice so important for a caregiver team? At the conclusion of this training, you will be able to Define Interprofessional Collaboration and explain how teamwork improves patient care. During this course, you will explore how teamwork improves patient care, the significance of interprofessional collaboration, and the four required competencies. All of this while analyzing case scenarios during this training! 


Approved 1 Hr. I DH, DN, NHU, NU, PS, PT, RC
Enroll anytime and complete this online course within 1 hour.
Fee: $8.50

IV Therapy I Blended Learning I 30 Hrs.

Are you an LPN applying for an RN program, an employer upskilling current LPNs, or an RN re-entering the workforce? If you answered, “yes” to any of these questions, this course is for you. This course meets standards established by the FL Board of Nursing for LPNs to administer IV Therapy. Participate in a 6-hour lab (see schedule below) after successful completion of the 24-hour online training. Topics include infusion therapy using peripheral veins and central venous access, infusion of fluids and medications, blood product transfusions, antineoplastic and biologic therapies, parenteral nutrition, and infusion therapy in pediatric and older adults. Prerequisite: PN or RN graduate. Textbook required Infusion Therapy Made Incredibly Easy 6th Ed. (ISBN-978-1975236564).

Approved 30 Hrs.  | NU (LPN post-graduate level course, RN general). 


Online date range: March 3 - April 3
Lab date: Saturday, April 5 l 8:00 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. 
Lab location: Student Union East (SUE) 244
Fee: $275

Phlebotomy 101 I Classroom I 6 Hrs.

Are you considering a career in the medical field or seeking to advance your career with a new or updated skill? The students in this class will learn, through theory, and hands-on skills practice with instruction, the introductory concepts of phlebotomy by learning skills and techniques required for the safe collection, transportation, handling, and processing of blood specimens for analysis.  This includes applying proper personal protective equipment and using an aseptic technique (to optimize infection control) for the collection of specimens.  They will learn to draw blood with both the butterfly and vacutainer collection systems, as well as proper tube selection/order, and safe biohazard disposal.  Students will demonstrate professional conduct, stress management, and interpersonal communication skills with patients, peers, and other members of the healthcare team while maintaining HIPAA laws/regulations.  


Scheduled: Saturday, December 7 I 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Location: Student Union East (SUE) 244
Fee: $75

Scheduled: Saturday, February 22 I 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Location: Student Union East (SUE) 244
Fee: $75

Prevention of Medical Errors I Online I 2 Hrs.

What additional steps can you implement to prevent medical errors in your workplace? At the conclusion of this training, you will be able to discuss the scope of medical errors in the U.S. healthcare environment, describe the terminology associated with medical errors, and the causes of medical errors. Also, you will review the most common medical errors and the means to prevent them. Discuss the effects of medical errors on special populations and prevention strategies for the general population. Summarize the reporting requirements for medical errors.


Approved 2 Hr. I DH, DN, NU, OT, PS, PT, RC
Enroll anytime and complete this online course within 1 hour.
Fee: $17

Gulf Coast State College does not discriminate against any person in its programs, activities, policies or procedures on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, marital status, religion, age, gender, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. All questions or inquiries regarding compliance with laws relating to non-discrimination and all complaints regarding sexual misconduct or discrimination, may be directed to Lee Wood, Executive Director, Human Resources/Title II/504/Title IX Coordinator and Employment Equity Officer, Gulf Coast State College, 5230 W. US Highway 98, Panama City, FL 32401.