Custom Learning and Development
Gulf Coast State College provides customized corporate training to meet the personal and professional development needs of our local businesses.
If you have struggled with employee retention or turnover, low morale, productivity or training issues; or if you simply have a desire to provide quality training at affordable prices, Customized Training will be able to assist you by providing:
- In-house training for a group of employees in one or multiple areas
- Targeted, business-specific training tailored for your specific business or industry
- Time-relevant training to enhance employee skills
Customized training can be held at your location or at any one of Gulf Coast State College's campus locations (Panama City Campus, Gulf/Franklin Campus, North Bay Campus or Tyndall AFB Education Center).
Customized Training is available to meet your needs whether you are a large or small business in need of professional development. If you can think of it, we can do it! These are just a few of the areas where we can provide customized training:
- Anger Management – Understanding Anger
- Building Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills
- Business Etiquette – Gaining that Extra Edge
- Change and How to Deal With It
- Communication Strategies
- Conflict Resolution – A One Day Primer
- Conflict Resolution – Getting Along in the Workplace
- Core Negotiation Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Diversity – Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace
- Dynamite Sales Presentation
- Emotional Intelligence
- Facilitation Skills
- Generation Gap – Closing the Generation Gap in the Workplace
- Getting Stuff Done
- Identify and Evaluation Marketing Opportunities
- Improving Work Habits
- Motivation Training – Motivating Your Workforce
- Negotiating for Results
- Prospecting for Leads Like a Pro
- Public Speaking – Presentation Survival School
- Public Speaking – Speaking Under Pressure
- Resolving Conflict
- Risk Management
- Safety in the Workplace
- Stress Management
- Supporting Change
- Survival Skills for the New Training
- The Practical Training
- Time Management
- Working Smarter – Using Technology to your Advantage
- Workplace Harassment – What is it and What to do About It
- Workplace Violence – How to Manage Anger in the Workplace
- Writing Reports and Proposals
- Accounting Skills for the New Supervisor
- Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer
- Business Succession Planning Developing and Maintaining a Succession Plan
- Coaching – A Leadership Skill
- Delegation – The Art of Delegating Effectively
- Developing Goals & Standards
- Developing Your Training Program
- Effective Discipline
- Employee Accountability
- Essential Skills of Leadership
- Hiring for Success – Behavioral Interviewing Techniques
- Meeting Management – The Art of Making Meeting Work
- Onboarding – The Essential Rules for a Successful Onboarding Program
- Orientation Handbook – Getting Employees Off to a Good Start
- Performance Management – Managing Employee Performance
- Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Providing Performance Feedback
- Provide Mentoring and Coaching Within the Workplace
- The Professional Supervisor