Technology Hardware and Application Requests
Updated: 10/28/2024
Purpose: Requests for technology hardware or applications not included with campus standard setup; i.e. (printers, scanners, laser pointers, audio/video equipment, etc.)
NOTE: All approved technology hardware and application items are listed on the College Standards Spreadsheet on the ITS website.
- Submit a DynamicForm for Hardware/Software Purchase Review quote (GCSCNet). Users
must provide the following information on the form.
- Department/Division chairs requesting hardware
- Employee’s name requesting the item.
- Type of technology hardware or application requested
- Location/room # where hardware is to be installed
- Number of items being requested
- Date needed by
- Justification for request.
- The request must be approved by the department /Division Chair.
- ITS Technicians will verify that the technology hardware or software application will work with staff/faculty existing computer equipment.
- Requests for hardware or software that are not on the approved standards list must
go through the variance process.
- Hardware /software with supporting documentation will be supplied to ITS for initial review.
- Security documents must accompany requests.
- All contracts must accompany the request.
- Will the software be used campus wide or for a specific course area.
- Plan for maintenance and replacement costs will accompany the request.
- After review the request will go to the IT Standards Committee for review/approval
- A quote will be obtained from the approved vendors.
- A Purchase Requisition will be completed and emailed to the requesting department along with the approved quote.
- Upon receipt of the hardware/software, the ITS Executive Administrative Assistant will have a work order created for installation. The department will be notified by the assigned technician.