Janice Skipper, RDMS (AB, BR, OB/GYN), RVT
Coordinator Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program
C: 850.769.1551 ext. 3390
diagnostic medical Sonography Program Effectiveness Data
ARRT Exam Pass Rate - This percentage is calculated based on the number of students who are first time examinees and took the exam within six months of graduation.
Job Placement Rate - This percentage is calculated based on the number of graduates who are seeking employment and are employed within twelve months of graduation.
Program Completion Rate - This percentage is calculated by dividing the number of graduates in each class who completed the entire clinical and didactic phase of the program within 150% of the stated programs length by the number of students initially enrolled in the graduating class. The program length for the Sonography Program is 24 months and program completions are those students graduating within 35 months of beginning the program.
Year | ARRT Exam Pass Rate | Job Placement Rate | Program Completers |
2023 | TBA | 86.6% | TBA |
2022 | TBA | 57.1% | TBA |
2021 | 63% | 83.3% | TBA |
2020 | 79% | 75% | 71.4% |
2019 | 93% | 77% | 87.5% |
Average of All Five Years | 78.2% | 82.5% | 82% |