Leadership at Gulf Coast State College
The President of the College is the chief executive officer of the college. All components of the college and all aspects of its operation are answerable to the District Board of Trustees through the president. To provide focus, the Strategic Plan delineates the mission, vision, and goals for the college. Developed with input from college and community stakeholders, the 2022-2027 plan identifies and focuses on five major areas: (1) Learning First, (2) Student Success, (3) Accessibility and Student Engagement, (4) Community Connections, and (5) Organizational Culture. We think these are critical to providing knowledgeable and well-prepared graduates who are ready to integrate into and contribute to the community we serve. Our commitment to making a difference in the lives of our students through learning and community engagement is reflected in our Quality Enhancement Plan, developed from assessing student learning outcomes and formulating broad-based goals for achieving improvement at the college level.